After that last puff from your Kush21-purchased pre-roll, have you ever wondered… why does weed make life better? Your average old timer, screaming “marihuana” is the “devil’s grass”, may be quick to disagree, but with pot becoming legal in Washington State, the argument has begun to dwindle. However you prefer to consume it, weed can be the key to aiding in your happiness.
You’ve seen the Truth commercial when the teenagers ran over the little girl on her bicycle while trying to leave a drive-thru window. They were smoking pot in the line and their reaction time to stop was impaired. Throughout the last few decades, big pharmaceutical companies and anti-marijuana campaigns have tarnished the great effects that weed has proven to provide. Since the passing of I-502, the stipulations of driving under the influence have ramped up, striking fear in your average pot store attendee on driving and smoking, and Truth commercials are nothing but a memory.

So what is it about this wonderful plant that has everyone feeling great? Some say that pure euphoria comes with smoking pot, bringing happiness and a sense of feeling more present to one’s sometimes dreary outlook on life. Some also say that that same euphoric feeling can lead to being more open-minded and appreciative of your surroundings, helping you to connect with your inner-self, as opposed to the mold that society always wants you to fit into.
Weed also plays a huge role in relaxation, relieving one of their mental, physical and emotional issues after consumption. Some tend to be quieter than usual, giving themselves time for self-reflection and meditation. Some tend to open up more about their views on life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. Striking a great conversation with a smoking buddy can make for a life long friendship when the right strain comes into play. Thankfully, Kush21 provides multiple strains to aid whatever thrill or chill you seek.
The human mind has been the guinea pig to active cannabinoids affecting its psychosis, but marijuana is also known to possess healing agents for many physical ailments as well. Chronic and inflammatory pain can become huge deterrents in one’s life, which in turn can lead to hefty prescription fees, but marijuana has been deemed as a safer and healthier alternative. During Washington’s medical marijuana days, many cannabis patients would come from far and wide to use pot for their issues, making their everyday lives a little easier and pockets a little heavier. Now, in the current state of I-502, marijuana has become accessible to more than just licensed med patients, making it a purchase away instead of based on a doctor’s visit.

A common myth with marijuana usage is that it can lower your intelligence and make you dumber than normal. Although each person’s mind and chemical makeup of the brain may differ, studies have shown that smoking weed does not drastically affect one’s intelligence level on solving problems, writing, or critical thinking. Studies have also shown that marijuana is the perfect wing-man for one’s creative mind, helping to open your exploratory neurons that assist in creativity. Currently, in Colorado, many corporations have included “weed breaks” in their brainstorming sessions amongst employees, to help in group settings for creating new products and brand association. The creative mind is one of the most powerful tools one can possess, sometimes trumping common knowledge. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the apps on your phone right now wasn’t created after a few hits from the bong.
Weed doesn’t just make life better in the pain department. It also can be the natural aphrodisiac you need in the bedroom as well. Marijuana is known to heighten feeling and touch, stimulating one’s senses and increasing their likeability. For example, a soft pillow is softer when you are high. Your body’s reactive traits increase very noticeably when toking some good bud. Tonic Magazine, a subsidiary of VICE, took recent studies of women’s orgasms while sober and high and the results were shockingly great.
With sober orgasms tapering off after climax to “pot-gasms” providing a consistent wave of orgasms, there is no comparison. I would pay the babysitter to stay overnight, because a married couple in search of improving their sex life, won’t be home until tomorrow learning these test results.
In no way does this article suggest that your life will not be great without marijuana. Based on studies and your average Joe’s testimonials, marijuana has added improvements to their lives in many ways. Whether you’re looking to get that crutch to help write a song, ready to burn one after a hard day on the job site, or setting the mood for date night, weed can be the boost you need to great outcomes. Come visit your local Kush 21 location for a great selection to help you on your quest of making life better.