IL Cannabis LAWS
Recreational Cannabis can be a confusing thing sometimes, we have made a small list of commonly asked questions for your convenience.

Is cannabis legal in the state of Illinois?
Yes, cannabis is legal for both recreational and medical use in the state of Illinois. Medical cannabis use was approved on January 1, 2014 to qualifying patients. Recreational use for adults 21 years and older was legalized on January 1, 2020. Delivery is currently prohibited. Kush21 offers pickup and online menu options for faster service.

What are the medical-use cannabis regulations for Illinois?
Medical patients with qualifying conditions have been able to access medicinal cannabis since January 1st, 2014. Patients can choose to apply for a medical card and then may legally possess up to 2.5 oz of cannabis within any given two-week period. Out-of-state medical cards are not accepted in Illinois, but out-of-state adults 21+ with a valid ID may purchase recreationally.
Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act

Can I use cannabis products in public in the state of Illinois?
In Illinois, legal cannabis use is limited to private duelings. It is illegal to consume in public places, on or near school property, and in a motor vehicle. The state does not allow consumption lounges. Driving under the influence of cannabis is illegal.

What are the recreational cannabis regulations for Illinois?
Adult residents of Illinois who are 21 years and older can possess up to 30g of cannabis flower, 5g of cannabis concentrates, and 500mg of cannabis-infused products such as edibles or tinctures. Out-of-state residents 21 years and older can purchase cannabis products with the proper ID, but quantity limits are half for non-residents.